DKU Kindness Diaries Trust

About Us

DKU Kindness Diaries Trust

DKU Kindness Diaries Trust is a registered non-profit organisation – established in 2019 by Brit-Indian philanthropist, entrepreneur and Film maker Deana Uppal. Our dedicated team of individuals are committed to supporting the needs of poverty struck communities. Currently, we are focusing our support in and around the Jaipur area of Rajasthan, India. We also have been collaborating on projects internationally.

We work with local schools to provide access to education to children who would otherwise not have access. We also offer vocational education to adults to equip them with marketable skills that increase their chances of employment enabling them to support themselves and their families.

We aim to empower individuals to become independent and lead dignified lives. The Kindness Diaries Trust team holds the conviction that education plays a vital role in overcoming the poverty that at least 25% of children in Jaipur face at birth. We are committed to making education accessible to all.

In addition to our focus on education, we recognise the importance of addressing other basic needs, such as health care, clothing and food. We provide these necessities to a large number of poverty struck areas. Our food distributions feed hundreds of people every week.

During the COVID pandemic, our committed team in Jaipur oversaw the distribution of thousands of PPE kits. We worked hard to get our hands on many oxygen machines to help patients in dire need. Our team installed oxygen machines for COVID-19 patients who were unable to secure a hospital bed due to the high volume of inpatients at the time. Our experienced medical team helped to save many lives—our efforts were acknowledged and appreciated by the local authorities and government.

At Kindness Diaries Trust, we believe any act of kindness can make the most significant difference.

Food Distribution

Click here to see our weekly food distributions


Click here to see photos of our current educational programs


Click here to see pictures of our latest events 

Medical care

Click here to see our medical care programs and COVID care


Click here to see our joint collaboration activities

Your small contribution can bring a change in some ones life

D- 232 Kali Das Marg, Banipark, Jaipur | Phone: 09352555743 ,7014414117 | Email:

© 2022 Created with DKU Kindness Diaries Trust